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Small enterprises are an important means of creating local employment. The tourism and conservation sectors are often the most viable market opportunities for businesses in Bushbuckridge. At present there is a massive gap between the needs of the world-class tourism sector and what local suppliers are able to produce and deliver.

With the aim of stimulating a thriving economy towards the generation of long-term wealth in local communities, community enterprises must be assisted in accessing the value chains in this sector. In order to stimulate this growth, there is a general need for business management training, technical skills and capital infrastructure support. Various initiatives in this direction have already been implemented by the Sabi Sand Pfunanani Trust and its partners.

The Pfunanani Enterprise Development Project, started in 2014, has taken the next step in this process. The project will see 120 trainees from 60 local businesses receive extensive support to grow their businesses over a two-year period.