New Sabi Sand Pfunanani Trust CEO

New Sabi Sand Pfunanani Trust CEO – June 2020

The Sabi Sand Wildtuin and Sabi Sand Pfunanani Trust welcomed its official new CEO in May 2020.

The Sabi Sand Wildtuin has officially welcomed Mr. Oscar Mthimkhulu as the new Chief Executive Officer for the protected area that spans over 62 000 hectares and is world-renowned for its leopard sightings and as a sanctuary for all the Big Five mammals, and more than 250 bird species.

“Mr. Mthimkhulu has extensive experience in conservation, ecotourism, and protected area management. He also has proven skills in the financial sector and personnel management. He has been involved on a day-to-day basis in anti-poaching measures within various Protected Areas in South Africa – including top positions with Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife – where he was responsible for the oversight of tourism and conservation of more than 100 Protected Areas. Mr. Mthimkhulu has also been involved in the Community Management of Protected Areas for Conservation (COMPACT) which we believe will add great value to our community-based initiatives and projects.”- san an ecstatic Mr. Iain Olivier who is the Sabi Sand Wildtuin’s Assistant Warden & Acting Reserve Manager.

Mr. Mthimkhulu succeeds Mr. Dave Powrie who was the SSW Warden, and Mrs. Loma Powrie, who was the SSPT CEO. With the new CEO leading the reserve, there has already been tremendous community reach during the COVID-19 pandemic that has seen over 1000 households benefiting with food parcels, through the Sabi Sand NPO Forum. To date, 23 communities have been assisted, through the partnering NPO’s in the protected area.


It is a privilege and an honor to be afforded an opportunity to lead SSW, a formidable and world-renowned entity that has contributed greatly to tourism and conservation practice in South Africa. I look forward to the rewarding challenges and new horizons that we as SSW will chart in this new dawn, in partnership with all our valued stakeholders – including neighboring local communities. – said Mr. Mthimkhulu.

For more information about Mr Oscar Mthimkhulu – kindly see below the official Press Release statement issued:

New SSW CEO Press Release – May 2020 (005)

Below is the previous edition of the Sabi Sand Pfunanani Trust annual report. An updated version will be shared soon.

SSPT Annual Report 2018_19 Low Res